Barclay Littlewood

An Insight Into My Life

Why is life with God the ultimate achievement?

The Universe was created, most likely by the Big Bang. Whatever the invisible force that set the Universe in motion was, it kept with us all. It was part of you from the day you were born. It is still within you now.

Wether you know it or not, feel it or not, experience or not – that never changing presence or awareness envelopes all those things. It’s wonderfully subtle. You can’t catch it, describe it, hold it, define it, because all attempts to do so happen within it. As the scriptures rightly attest, God is truly always there and always watching.

What I’m saying is not a belief, it’s a fact. And that presence isn’t yours it is God’s. Something greater than you alone, something that is in all living things and will continue to exist for all of time.

At some point, some of us lose touch with that divine spark inside of us. Some point in childhood or a little later the newness and excitement of the life and the World fades a little. We turn more and more to the World for our sustenance. We begin to create identities, there’s a sense of us and the World and things we can gain from the World through our interactions with it. We can become more and more wound up in ourselves, others, our careers, our reputations, our possessions, our spouses, our families.

Yet, ultimately, if we don’t know God, that means we are living half lives. We lose touch with that force which sparked the Universe, which stayed within us, and is present now. Instead of living for God and enjoying life and the World, an imbalance occurs, we prioritise all that is of the World over God. A life with God just seems like a delusion, something so unimportant.

The issue with that is everything you can gain from the World, is wound up in the World itself.

What do I mean by that?

Dreams, aspirations, desires. Once fulfilled, they give us pleasure. If not fulfilled, we keep hanging onto them, striving, perhaps forever. If we are lucky enough to gain whatever it is we seek, quickly or over time our fulfilment begins to fade. We can begin to look for something more, something different, something new. Thus, real satisfaction from the World is temporary and fading. Everything we struggle to hold on to from the World we can and will lose at some point, including the most precious of our belongings – our life.

There is nothing wrong at all with getting the things you want in life, it’s what we pin on them. What we think they can bring us. What we think we can bring ourselves. What we prioritise over God

All these wrong priorities causes issues. That’s because it’s a fact that The World and all that is in it, is only half the reality. When put under scientific scrutiny, what you think is the truth doesn’t add up. Living without God, is actually an experiential delusion. It cuts off an inherent part of you that life with God brings – a whole and joyful relationship which is the true reality of things.

Nothing in the World can satisfy you as much as a life with God.

God, is always with you. Objectively, that presence within can never leave us, it can only seem to be not there as the World becomes prioritised for a fleeting moment, periods of time, or even for life. The Devil keeps us hanging on to prioritising the World, with a promise of joy that never comes.

If you haven’t reached that point yet of disillusionment, perhaps you need to go on and on until you do. Perhaps you never will reach that point.

Yet I can tell you, as someone who had once never known God, and has had all he wanted from the World, a relationship with God is the greatest thing there is. If there is a purpose to the World, it is divine, to bring you back to God and your real nature and experience a life with God.

Find that ever present within you and you have your first glimpse of God. Prioritise that in your life and you will begin to feel bliss or Holy Spirt in time. You will know God, feel his love, and you will have achieved something that the World can never give you and will likely never understand.

If that time has come for you, then maybe you will see some truth in my words, if not, they will simply be another thing of the World to you, passing, temporary, fading, and lacking any true fulfilment.

Thanks for reading and God Bless

Barclay Littlewood

Barclay Littlewood vs. Richard Dawkins

Here I answer Richard Dawkins in his interview from National Geographic.

Evidence is my God, as is his. Evidence must be used to guide in the search for truth, rather than evidence being shaped to fit our truth or beliefs.

An open mind is how we learn, our knowledge is never complete but there are answers to everything.

With that firmly in mind, we proceed with Barclay Littlewood vs. Richard Dawkins.

Why is Darwin so important?

Richard Dawkins: Darwin told us why we exist and that’s not an easy question to answer. It’s not just us, it’s all living things. The living world is incredibly complex and staggeringly improbable – unless you understand where it came from; it looks as though it’s been designed; everyone thought that it was designed; but Darwin showed that it wasn’t. That’s the importance of Darwin.

Barclay Littlewood: Darwin and others have shown how life forms are constructed, they have shown us that life forms, through random mutations and then natural selection, evolve. Let’s be clear though, Darwin hasn’t shown that anything was or wasn’t ‘designed’ however. He’s simply shown we weren’t plonked on earth as was once thought. He has showed that there is a developmental process to life.

Why does matter exist? Why does life exist? Of course we can say that life arose from the correct environmental conditions, but why did those conditions even exist?

The process of evolution, mutation, why does it happen or exist? Why does matter mutate, and how does it know to mutate? Who or what designed these processes if anything? What are the reasons mutations exist and how are they randomly selected? Why do mutations always follow the same rule in being random? How did the Universe independently decide to begin mutating? Is it that some un-manifest creative force decided and planned long ago that the random mutation would occur and is actually behind it now?

Darwin simply shifted the questions further along, he disproved Biblical explanation, but he did not disprove a creator or the experience of that creative force that can come from the Bible and other Holy Books.

The Theory of Divine Energy which has been shown to alter matter to experience divine bliss, states that the invisible un-manifest ‘energy’ itself which began the Universe could be the agent and reason behind all mutations because they were planned and constructed like all other scientific rules the Universe abides by. In essence that invisible creative force is intelligent, it is continually refining and improving itself in accordance to set rules, through matter itself, which is secondary to it. Of course, the fact that the mutations are always random suggests that the force is bound by it’s own rules – or it would simply select the best mutations based on need, which it does not.

We can explain this like a racing driver, he controls the car, but he’s confined by the physical rules and limitations of the car, the rules of science. He has to operate within those parameters. So too could certainly be the same with that un-manifest force many call God. From a distant view we may think the car is driving itself, but if we look closer, something is in control, even if it is restrained by certain rules and laws.

In terms of ourselves, it’s perfect scientific and objective to point out what we are a product of that un-manifest force, a child to it, which has manifested itself into the human form via the process of evolution. We are children therefore of God, in a very literal sense, coming from what created us in whatever way the occurred. However, we are not equal to God, as all matter fades and is temporary, whilst the invisible un-manifest force running through matter and which gives birth to it, does not fade and is permanent, apparently slipping in and out of different forms.

How convincing is the evidence that Darwin was right?

Richard Dawkins: The evidence is compelling that Darwin was right. We are descended from simpler animals; we are descended from bacteria ultimately and are cousins of chimpanzees. Darwin wasn’t right about everything – he got some of his genetics wrong because not enough was known about genetics at the time, but the essential point that we are direct cousins of monkeys and kangaroos, octopuses and bacteria is beyond doubt.

Barclay Littlewood: There is no doubt we were descended from bacteria and we are related to all animals. That still does not however answer why bacteria exists in the first place and why there was any need or reason or intention for it to mutate into anything, let alone to us – life forms that can then look back on how they were created and experience what evolved them without ever asking to be.

The fact that we have evolved from bacteria in this way, is extremely odd, it all hints more at an intelligent invisible force with a plan of design, active and unravelling to set rules, than a blind chance.

What are we evolving to and why? If mutations are randomly occurring, where are they leading us? Why was I able to identify an un-manifest force and experience a deep peaceful bliss as a result? What would be the point of that?

How significant is Darwin’s influence in realising our place in the world?

Richard Dawkins: The human race has had a number of set-backs. We learnt from Galileo that the Earth was not the centre of the universe; Darwin did the same thing for living creatures. We once thought we were the pinnacle of creation, made in God’s own image, but we now know we are cousins of 10 million other species – a tiny twig in a vast bush of branching twigs buried somewhere in the depths of this bush; there is nothing special in the order of humans in creation. There are special things about us, such as the fact that we are cleverer than other animals and we have language, but nevertheless we are just cousins of all other living things.

Barclay Littlewood: There is nothing special in the order of our creation, however our capability to consider our creation and our reason to exist are special. Whatever set off those mutations, seems to have a never ending goal of improvement. We can certainly say we have being made in God’s image, (when you see God as an invisible creative force that set all this off and is there now) because we are closer to that image than bacteria, due to us being further down the mutation cycle and having gone through more refinements. We are millions of versions along.

Darwin has not at all changed our place in the world, as far as we know we are the most advanced living creation of the Universe, however way that occurred does not effect that the end result is the same.

Of course they are almost certainly bound to be further evolved creations elsewhere, in that we can certainly learn some humility.

How important is the evidence presented by fossils in backing up Darwin’s theory?

Richard Dawkins: Fossils are not necessary to prove evolution nowadays, as we can do that with comparative evidence, especially via chemical molecular evidence. But fossils are very nice for showing the direct course evolution took – fossils are the only evidence we have which show what animals were like in the distant past.

We are very lucky to have fossils, if we didn’t have fossils at all, we’d still know evolution was true. There are some gaps in the fossil record too, of course, which those sceptical about evolution think is important, but of course it’s not. The whole fossil record could be one big gap and we would still know evolution was true. But although there are gaps there are still substantial parts of evolution where we have a pretty good record of what exactly happened.

Barclay Littlewood: This is agreed, fossils show us the past history of life here on earth.

How strong a piece of evidence are whales as proof of evolution?

Richard Dawkins: If we needed any more evidence for evolution then fossils of whales would provide extremely good evidence. We now know that the closest cousins to whales are in fact hippos. A common ancestor of the hippo and the whale took to the water until it gradually became more wedded to the water and never left. The hind limbs eventually disappear and there is a tiny vestige of hind limb skeleton in whales today. What else could that be but evidence of evolution? There is not the slightest doubt that marine whales are descended from land animals and the fossil record proves this utterly.

Barclay Littlewood: This is agreed.

What do you think of people who adhere to the biblical idea that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old and that we are all God’s creation?

Richard Dawkins: Anyone who still believes that the world is less than 10,000 years old, as many creationists do, the best excuse for them is lamentable ignorance. Anyone who is not ignorant and has been shown the evidence and still believes this, then they must have something wrong with them. To give you an example of the magnitude of the error, to believe that the world is less than 10,000 years old, when in fact we know the world is 4.6 billion years old, is equivalent to believing that the width of North America from New York to San Francisco is less than 10 yards. So to believe this you have to be either incredibly ignorant or insane.

Barclay Littlewood: The evidence is clear, the world is billions of years old, however, the evidence is also clear, that inaccuracies in knowledge in a person, do not alter the scientifically observable experience of what we call God. Otherwise such a scientifically observable experience by MRI scans, would not exist in people of differing religions, some of who have factually incorrect views on the beginnings of the world and the Universe.

The reason for this is that because that objectively findable ever present, un-manifest, call it God, spirit or anything else – exists within a person, no matter what knowledge exists in tandem with it. It is in everyone, found or not. It’s presence allows us to postulate it’s existence. It is that which, for some reason begins the experience of “God’ bringing deep peace through changes to the brain as I and others have shown. In the same way we can take an alternative route and believe in something higher than us (a force higher than matter) and it creates these same changes.If you deny that experience, as most atheists do, it is them who are now using a belief system to override reality.

From this evidence, it would seem that there is an un-manfiest agent that came before manifest creation and life. Something un-manifest, nothingness and everythingness that existed before and in-spite of the manifest, still does and is ‘there’ today behind the scenes. Some sort of invisible emptiness with agency, which is what we call God. We can’t see it or find it, but we can see it’s handywork, in terms of what we can physically identify. It would seem that not only did it ‘congeal and order’ into matter whilst staying with and sustaining it, but it then created evolutionary mutations, resulting in us, something which could then find and experience “it”.

If not, the other way round is that the manifest gave rise to itself and still does. It has ordered itself and is the primary and only reality as it where. With this way, we must accept that matter created itself by itself, that it makes mutations happen, resulting in us, and then that they have conjured up a previously non existent “un-manifest force” they could find and experience as a result. That would seem back to front. The Universe would have had to self order, make up science, mathematics etc. and then create itself based on those rules.

More likely it seems is the un-manifest, if it is what caused and causes life, was there before the mutations and facilitated them to happen, to exist, and it is therefore not only existent, as intangible as it is, but it is the leader of existence, not the slave.

And what created it? Nothing, because it is nothingness and everything-ness at the same time, it simply is.

Mr. Dawkins has confused evolution as being incompatible with the existence/experience of what we call God, it is not, it is simply incompatible with religious explanations. If Mr. Dawkins denies that, then in this case it is him that is actually guilty of lamentable ignorance, because the evidence for an experience of what we call ‘God’ is now absolutely certain as existing and being as real as anything else we can experience as human beings.

Does it bring peace within? Yes.

Is it higher, greater than the manifest and matter? Objectively, yes.

Does it have a plan of order? Yes.

Does it operate by rules? Yes, science are those rules.

Is it directly observable? No. Only by it’s effects on the manifest we can postulate it’s existence.

Why do you think this view is still held by so many people 150 years after Darwin’s theory was published?

Richard Dawkins: I think that religious upbringing is immensely powerful and if its hammered into you as a young child it can be very difficult to get rid of in later life, especially if as a child you are taught that the devil will come to try and persuade you of error; sometimes they are told to ignore the evidence because faith is more important than evidence. Some people know that if they come out as non-believers their family will disown them. It really is an appalling stranglehold that these archaic beliefs have over people, whose minds have been warped since childhood.

Barclay Littlewood: This is true, because experiencing God does not require accuracy of evidence. (Actually it does not need faith either.) It is a great shame that religion causes dis-ownership of family and other hatred. It does however point to the absolute strength of the experience of God, simply that people mistake such ways as the only way. Thus such an appalling stranglehold is no different to me saying that Mr. Dawkins has suffered the same stranglehold in his misguided and selective adherence to evidence. The former religious experience lacks evidential correctness yet is a guide to the ‘truth’ of something that is initially un-manifest leading to the experience of God, the latter eschews limited and cherry picked evidential correctness, but falls short of where that correctness can actually lead – an objective and scientific experience of what many call God that is totally provable and devoid of any belief.

Now if anyone denies the evidence of that experience, it is them making the evidence fit around their beliefs not the other way around.

Is the creationist movement damaging to society as well as science?

Richard Dawkins: I think that it is such a privilege to understand where we come from, a privilege for all of us born after 1859, that to deny children that privilege is wicked, it’s a deprivation that should not be visited on any child, when the truth is so staggeringly exciting. When we have shared ancestors with every living thing, we have a history of four billion years of slow, gradual evolution, that’s not something that we can easily take on board, but the effort of doing so is well worth it. It’s such a beautiful thought that we are the heirs of four billion years of evolution. When you put that against the measly, piddling little ideas in Genesis it’s just no comparison, and it’s a sad and diminishing deprivation of a child’s opportunity to be denied that knowledge.

Barclay Littlewood: The creationist movement may not always be factually correct, but the experience of God, via Holy Spirit or Bliss, that drives such people, is as real as anything else we can experience and readily observable with MRI scans. At the same time Mr Dawkins has wrongly informed many that the wonder of an experience of God that no such experience exists when it indeed does, and there is in fact a scientific explanation for it. Is it sadder not to know exactly how the Universe has evolved, or to not intimately know and experience that primarily un-manifest force that lies behind it’s creation?

What evidence is there to prove that evolution and Darwin were right?

Richard Dawkins: Many pieces of evidence show that evolution is right. I’ll single out just two. The first is the distribution of animals across the globe. They are exactly as you’d expect them to be if evolution occurred. If you go to Australia all the mammals, save for one or two introduced by man, are marsupials. Why are they all there and not in Asia too? It’s exactly as you’d expect if animals evolved. It’s not the way it would be if God had gone around creating animals. Why on Earth would he have gone around creating animals in exactly the places where he would have created animals to give the false impression that evolution took place? If you believe in a god that plays those sorts of tricks then it’s not much of a god to believe in.

Secondly, if you look comparatively at all animals, especially biochemically: if you look at molecules in how they differ from animal to animal, or plant to plant, you find a hierarchical pattern of resemblance, which only makes sense if you assume that it’s a family tree, a pedigree. Everything – all the evidence – points to evolution. Once again the only way that you can maintain a creationist viewpoint is if you assume that God deliberately deceived us by planting molecules, that God played an elaborate trick on us.

Barclay Littlewood: Mr. Dawkins is correct, however, the evidence is nothing to do with their being an initially un-manifest creative force or not, one that exists right here and now and is still evolving life forms and within them all. The same primarily un-manifest that could be the missing piece that began the Big Bang. That fact mutations have appeared in clusters of different animals as they have, doesn’t explain why there is anything to mutate, and why mutations exist in the first place and why they are continually improving life forms.

Can you still have faith in God and evolution?

Richard Dawkins: There are plenty of theologians who believe in God and evolution, so, yes it is possible. I find it a little bit hard to do so because the main reason for believing in God is as the explanation for the living world. Once that’s gone, the most important argument for God has been kicked out and all you are left with is things like the Bible, which is pathetic: any fool can see is not written by God and it doesn’t have any special authority. Or you are left with personal experiences such as ‘God speaks to me’: if you’re convinced by that you’re convinced by that, but it’s pretty weak.

Barclay Littlewood: The main reason to believe in God, I would suggest is not only an explanation for the living world, but the deep peace whilst we are alive that a connection with that un-manifest force brings. It is precisely that such force is above anything manifest, that so many different ways of religion and so on, with their manifestly inaccurate ways, still ‘do the job’. E.g they lead and connect you to the un-manifest. On that level of the un-manifest how can any explanation be more or less accurate? Accuracy is a term that pertains to the manifest, for if something is invisible, it can neither be accurate or inaccurate and both and all.

Of course, it’s still fun to find the objective, manifest evidential truth because there are answers to everything.

There is no need for faith to find God, simply one can identify within that which has never changed. The eternal constant. Live from that angle, keep with that ever present and eternal within and the changes begin, changes which are scientifically observable in the brain. That explains the experience of the peace of God, it is actually a process of moving from the fruits of the primarily un-manifest – the manifest – to the un-manifest itself.

Why are you so convinced that God doesn’t exist?

Richard Dawkins: Well, I’m not really convinced that God does not exist. I’m simply turning the question around to say there is no positive reason to say that God does exist and he is therefore as likely to exist as the tooth-fairy or pink unicorns. So why bother to believe in something where there is no evidence, when there is so much for which there is evidence and you could spend a lifetime learning about it?

Barclay Littlewood: The complexity and wonder of the Universe strongly suggests to us that a hyper intelligent creative force is more likely at work than not. Something we can’t find, in a traditional sense, but we can see the workings of, and is here right now. Everything within the Universe is created and has a reason, why would the Universe itself by any different we might ask. Indeed, God, if he exists must be the greatest scientist in existence.

There is plenty of factual evidence for “God’s” existence, not only the blissful and wondrous experience of the love of that force experienced by billions, but also we can now see the mechanisms of that process at play during meditation and prayer through MRI scans. Whilst God may not be exactly what many think, the evidence for the existence of ‘something’ that can be experienced beyond the normal ‘manifest’ human experience of themselves and the world is now overwhelming.

Is there any evidence for some sort of divine order, such as our consciousness or the beginning of the universe perhaps?

Richard Dawkins: The human consciousness is a great puzzle; it’s not helped by postulating anything supernatural. Human consciousness must stem from some brain stuff, either as a by-product or as an integral part of its function. The origin of the universe is another mystery, but physicists are working on it. Maybe one day we’ll understand it but, either way, postulating some sort of supernatural explanation doesn’t help us understand, because that simply raises bigger questions than it does answers.

Barclay Littlewood: This is about primacy of matter or not. Does ‘consciousness’ come from matter or the other way round? As a sperm there was a ‘consciousness’ I was operating too, why? How did we become conscious? At what time does bacteria evolve to consciousness? There is an order than runs from the smallest to the biggest, why? Why do we randomly mutate to consciousness and self awareness? For what purpose? Why not just stay as bacteria? What we could be seeing, is us moving further along the plan that the creative force had all along, to mutate itself into something even more wonderful and even more in tune and aware of it’s creator, and better able to experience it’s wonder. It would seem, from our existence, that such was the plan.

So life is all a result of chance and molecular accidents?

Richard Dawkins: I would not like to say that we are here today as a matter of chance, because natural selection is not a chance process. Mutation is a matter of chance, but natural selection is a non-random force, because generations of genes have been non randomly chosen for reproduction and survival. If people think that Darwin said that life was down to chance, then no wonder they object to it.

Barclay Littlewood: Life isn’t a result of chance and molecular accidents, these processes exist, why and for what reason? Do they exist by chance? Even if so, why does chance exist at all? The fact we see all these rules and processes, why did they exist? What would a Universe gain from birthing itself and organising itself? When it evolves what is it competing with, how can it beat itself, what would be the point?

Has human evolution come to an end?

Richard Dawkins: Nobody knows. If you look at the way natural selection happens, the fittest creatures have the most offspring and are usually the ones that survive. Over the last 2 or 3 million years humans have developed bigger and bigger brains, presumably because those with bigger brains survived better. But there’s no way to suggest that this is happening today, so there’s no reason to suppose that the same natural selection forces are taking place on humans today, though there are natural selection forces at work in terms of resistance to disease and things like that. If you came back in 10 million years then we’ll probably be extinct, because most species do go extinct. There’ll probably be something living but it won’t be our direct descendant.

Evolutionists are always very cautious to predict the future course of evolution for one species, but what they don’t mind doing is predicting the general direction of life – small herbivores, large herbivores, big carnivores – we can predict that we will get a similar range of animals, but we can’t predict what the descendants of mice, elephants or humans will look like. I think in a couple of million years humans will be extinct, but we may well have evolved into something else, especially if we colonise other worlds, then we may see natural selection taking place as species start diverging, as there’d be very little gene flow between the separate gene pools.

Barclay Littlewood: Certainly human evolution has not come to an end, we’ve seen great changes in us all just over the last hundred years. I’ve evolved in the last five years. I experience something I never thought possible. Something far more wonderful than the experience of the manifest world and all it can give alone.

This article is the copyright of National Geographic.

Thanks for reading, Barclay Littlewood vs. Richard Dawkins and even more importantly God Bless whatever your beliefs or experience right now.

Barclay Littlewood's Findings in 5 Minutes


  • God must be experienced for one’s self to be known, once experienced the effects on the brain can be see through MRI imagining.
  • God can be found with or without belief.
  • God can be found through factual accuracy or without factual accuracy.
  • God’s existence is hidden to us by our own experience of the World, in essence absorption in ourselves, our experience, our senses.
  • The ideas about God are many, some may be true other’s not, but the accuracy of these ideas does not change the absolute fact of God’s existence.
  • The effects of God are many. God can bring the deepest love, true fulfilment, personal peace, healing, self awareness and better interactions with the world to name but a few.

God’s Love is a real experience and can be experienced here on earth…


  • Whilst science has cast serious doubt on some of the explanations of religious texts, there is absolutely nothing in science that denies the existence of a higher power, namely that which we call God.
  • Science has revealed that the experience of God, and processes such as mediation and praying, are all observable in their effects upon us. Yes, those that say they experience God’s love aren’t lying – there is a a scientifically observable process going on within them.
  • The experience of God’s love, AKA Holy Spirit, or Bliss, is real. It is as real as anything else you can experience on earth. God’s love is as real as experiences such as love, joy, hate, stress, anxiety, doubt and fear. God’s love, is however not a normal or usual human emotion.
  • God’s love is not saved for a later date – it can be experienced here on earth whilst you are alive.
  • There is a process to finding God. This process takes many, many guises. This process is not dependent on our interpretations. Whilst our interpretations of how we come to God often vary widely in appearance and are often not scientific, the underlying process behind them is always scientific and very similar. Don’t be surprised of find that there is a science and a process to finding God. After all, take a look at the Universe, God must be the greatest scientist there ever was.
  • There is a deceptive, angry, arrogant force. It too is accusatory, aggressive, selfish, proud. It is an unforgiving, hateful, hostile, cynical and dividing power. It sees things only from it’s own very limited viewpoint. It masquerades as knowledge, truth, even love. This force is ancillary and parasitical to this greater power we call God. The power, which is in the lower nature of human beings and many call the Devil, is obvious in it’s fruits. (Re-read the last list of words.) That destructive force is hidden in many people, and it does not want you to discover it exists or that God exists. The Devil always uses worldly things, (e.g. anything from the material world) to create disharmony and deception to hide God’s existence.
  • A crucial step is confessing to God the error of your ways in a simple prayer. To ask for his forgiveness as you have tried to live without him. Your arrogance, your denial, your harm of others, your idolisation of yourself and your life may have been fun but if you search for the ultimate peace, you will agree they have failed to deliver.
  • We are simply not created to live easily without God. We, our brains and minds, are ultimately all flawed. Yet God is waiting, ready to forgive and make you continuously born again in his love.
  • If you don’t experience God’s love it’s time to tear down those barriers. Don’t believe in all of the stories of the Bible, so what? Are you scientifically minded, so what? Do you believe in the Big Bang and evolution, so what? Do you think the world is too cruel to have a God, so what? Do you not agree with most peoples ideas of God, so what? There are just imagined barriers. You can experience God’s love whatever your answer to these questions.
  • Ultimately if you believe the Universe wasn’t created, you have a belief. If I gave you a cake and told you it was’t made, but appeared out of thin air, you’d tell me I was crazy. Baking a cake is pretty hard, even for us as advanced human beings using just a few ingredients! Now look at the Universe. Do you believe it just occurred by luck? Then you are equally as crazy for telling me this Universe with all its intricacies wasn’t created as I am for telling you a cake just materialised.
  • No one has ever found what caused the Big Bang. What caused the Big Bang is unseen and invisible – just like God. Like God however the effects of the Big Bang are of course evidenced by material phenomenon – e.g the existence of the Universe, the changes to the brain created by a relationship with God.
  • Everything within the Universe has a purpose. Everything within the Universe is ‘born’ one way or another. Why then would the Universe not be ‘born’ and have a purpose too?
  • The cruelty we see in nature is a drive to survive and stay alive. It’s a necessary evil. The parasite that blinds a child is just trying to survive, just as you drive to the store and kill 1000 insects on your journey, perhaps to eat animals that have died to keep you alive. Cruelty is certainly something that must be seen from a certain standpoint, from the chicken’s standpoint it’s cruel they died to keep you alive, from your standpoint, perhaps not.
  • Viruses, diseases, cancers, again are issues with the perfection and complexity of creation, which is far from perfect from a human stand point, Such situations are in no way however proof or disproof of a creator, simply proof that what was created is not absolutely perfect.
  • I’ve messed with my personal and subjective reality and my mind more than I care to remember. Your reality is a lot less solid and truthful than you think. Don’t confuse your personal reality, with the potential reality. If you don’t believe in God or experience God, then you must believe in or experience something else. Do you believe in happiness or pleasure? Do you believe in your self? Do you believe in karma? Do you believe in love? Do you believe in monetary and material satisfaction? There’s nothing wrong with any of these things – unless you believe in them above or instead of God – then ultimately they will bring you a life that doesn’t allow it’s full potential and needless amounts of suffering and unfulfillment.
  • Ultimately people either experience God’s love or don’t. Yet no one that has experienced God’s love will ever deny it or willingly revert to not experiencing it. That means that there is an available process here – not knowing God to knowing God – moving from being without God’s love to being with God’s love. Moving from living by your rules, to living by his rules. Think of it like this – did you know what romantic love was until you experienced it for yourself? Did you deny love existed? No – you simply hadn’t experienced romantic love. It’s the same with God’s love – why deny something that so many people experience and can tell you is real?

God’s Love… The Door is Wide Open…But The Righteous Way is Narrow


  • God doesn’t go anywhere, only we do. He allows our ignorance, it has been created or just is, so we can find him again. The reason you don’t experience God is down to a few factors. Lack of knowledge, lack of practice, a perceived lack of proof, your journey in the process, and what you idolise above him.
  • Whatever you idolise will keep you from God. You may idolise yourself, your own mind, your own intellect, your knowledge, your experience, your reality. You may idolise your past, your personal rules, others, others feelings about you. Perhaps you idolise your romantic love, sex, money, alcohol, drugs, gambling. Or you may idolise consequences of your actions, material possessions, fame, success, or many of the things I’ve mentioned. If you idolise anything at all that means God is not first in your life you will suffer more here on earth than you need to, and miss out on something magical which we all have the ability to experience.
  • You will never be fully fulfilled unless you worship the Creator above the Creation. If you haven’t done that yet, in your heart, you must ask yourself, do I really have peace?
  • All religions, whist seemingly contradictory, point to the same core truths. In my experience, a religion is often desirable over the loose and disorganised field of New Age spirituality. Religions are clearer and contain more definite rules. They offer a more direct path. If you choose a religion however, don’t fall prey to ‘religionism’ – idolising your religion and viewing and treating people differently because of their religion.
  • Religion is not the cause of all wars, it is people’s intolerance of other’s Religion that is to blame for such wars.
  • All religions worship the same God, their truths are not mutually exclusive. If a person can experience God as a Christian and another experience God as a Muslim and yet another experience God as a Hindu – how can any of those religions be wrong at their very core? Their truths are relative. Religions are simply different ways to God.
  • In that way, no matter how it seems to you, the factual reality is that there is only one religion – God. Of course, some people believe something different, but look at the factual reality over their personal reality. I am not saying the Devil is in anyone that tells you their religion is the only way, far from it, only God truly knows where the Devil is. But the Devil works on pride. He wants you to think Christians are worshipping the Devil or Muslims are worshipping the Devil or non believers are the Devil rather than all God’s children. The Devil wants you to think in terms of “us” and “them”, even that different sects of your own religion are wrong. The Devil wants you to think that I am the Devil and my words are false. The Devil wants you to focus on him and not God. The Devil never wants you to see him in yourself. That way he can go undetected. The net result – people attack each other, destroying them and themselves in the process. Remember the Devil is divisive not inclusive. The Devil wants you to think you and your way is right and put it above peace and love for others.

Divine Energy – What Began The Universe and Can We Find it?

The Big Bang and The Theory of Divine Energy

The Big Bang, using the rules of science, apparently is a phenomenon that just occurred. No one has proved why it occurred, or what made it happen. The reason it happened, is in effect an unknown quantity. A reason, that doesn’t conform to our usual understanding of things, or the rules of science. If there was an ‘X Factor’, a Divine Energy which created the Universe, then that is would fit broadly with what we would call God – an all powerful, all knowing creative force.

Yet there is no direct proof of this Divine Energy as it where. God has not been directly ‘found’ – in the manifest sense. If he had, then there would not be any reason of debate because the existence of God would be an established fact.

There are so many questions that arise about the Universe, our existence. I’ve philosophised, questioned, more than I care to remember. When I read the great scientific minds of our time, like Stephen Hawking, their seemingly deep investigation is a little similar to watching a toddler splash in shallow waters. As they dive deeper, they think they get closer to hidden pearl that is the answer to the Universe. The more they splash the deeper they think they are going. The closer they think they are getting. Yet all they seem to find is more and more water – more questions and more answers. The truth is that is because they haven’t moved an inch, they are merely splashing on the surface of the manifest reality.

What they are looking for, is right under their noses – it’s the source and the very allower of their postulations.

All questions about the Universe, must be confined to the Universe, science and it’s very rules. That is because we ourselves (in a manifest sense at least) are a product of the Universe and subject to it’s rules. However, for that Divine Energy to exist, it must exist beyond the normal rules of science, because something must have come from nothing without cause and effect. That doesn’t fit our rules of science at all. For that ‘X Factor’ to exist, that Divine Energy must somehow exist above, before, higher, in spite of the material Universe and all it’s rules now, then, before and after.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to find the ‘X Factor’ exactly using scientific reasoning because that very reasoning is confined to something that ‘X Factor’ is not. If we try and make the Divine Energy fit the Universe’s rules so to speak, we are trying to push a square peg into a round hole.

Just like the manifest Universe, all reasoning, all knowledge, all logic, is tangible, material, manifest. It can all be seen, grasped, known, because again all material in their nature.

Yet this Divine Energy, this X Factor, seemingly isn’t material in nature as least as we know it. We can’t pin it down. It is ‘invisible’ to us, because it came before the Universe, even though we can arguably see it’s effects – the Universe and the rules it is governed by – we can’t find it directly, so to speak.


Divine Energy Theory – An Answer That Is Non Dependent on the Manifest Universe

The ‘answer’, must in one way, be non-dependent on anything that exists. (By non-dependent I mean it can be thought to be dependent and also independent, and neither and still remain.) That of course is utterly against everything we’ve ever operated by and looked for. It breaks every rule of reality.

To us a real answer is always definite and tangible and truthful. It is evidenced by facts, facts we objectively deduce by reality, a reality that is manifest and comes from the Universe, because that reality is the Universe.

Any real answer we find in science, thus confines itself to the rules of the Universe. But the actual answer, we can reasonably infer does not have to conform to such rules, because it must go beyond the normal rules of the Universe and not be subject to such rules for it to create the Universe itself. We have to change the parameters of our reality in our search. So such an answer could be, truthful, false, neither, both, all of those and none of those and so on and so forth (and not), in a material sense and it wouldn’t matter because it is beyond all those things and not and would still be constant… I shall stop there!

We can look at this way, if the Divine Energy that sparked the Universe existed, and created the Universe, how could we find it when we confine ourselves to the very rules of the Universe that it itself is not subject to? Our investigation is already limited as it looks for what is limitless. We have unwittingly, in our arrogance, ruled ourselves out of the hunt before we have even begun.

The rules of the Universe , if that Divine Energy exists, must be auxiliary to the Divine Energy itself. All they allow us to do is explain the material Universe, what is manifest and also to make inferences about the nature of the Divine Energy, rather like looking at a piece of art can tell us a little about who created it.

The manifest, exists like a thin transparent film over the deep ocean of the un-manifest. From the manifest side of the film – ‘tangible reality’- the film seems to be absolutely all there is. Yet from the side of the ocean ‘intangible reality’- the film is actually very flimsy, arising from and secondary to the un-manifest, which is the far greater reality. This explains accurately the difference of experience between living without Divine Energy – e.g. normal human existence and then living with Divine Energy. The realities flip round. This is also why no religion can be more accurate or more true than any of the others in the absolute sense. All differences and inaccuracies can only be explained in a manifest sense – the thin film over the deep ocean they point to. Meaning the answer and experience all religions and paths point to (if they point to a higher force) is actually exactly the same no matter how different they appear to be. There is an objective truth, behind the manifest thin film of them all.

We simply can’t find the origins of the Universe whilst confining ourselves on that level, because whatever caused the Universe to exist does not operate on that level itself. This why so many of our seemingly brilliant minds today, are merely splashing in the shallow water. They would, and could pick this article to pieces, and point out many inaccuracies – in a manifest sense – and they would still be splashing about in the same shallow water.

The truth would not change because it is simply non-dependent on the manifest.

As we delve into the truth of the material Universe, we splash and splash and we get no closer.

We can only deduce, infer, and guess what that Divine Energy is, even that it exists at all. All knowledge, all reasoning, all logic work on those very same principles of truth, cause and effect and so on that the Universe works on. Yet even at their very best, all these are working at a secondary level which is confined by it’s own limitations because the answer we are looking for does not work on that level and is not confined to those rules at all. Such investigation is far from useless, but the higher purpose of it, is only to show it’s limitations and lead us to a greater answer that goes beyond the mere tool of intellect.


Divine Energy – An Answer ‘Within’?

After years of research and work, I have found it, in a scientific and objective way, and that is demonstrated by my MRI scans further in this post.

Yet I can’t really accurately explain it to you, nor can anyone else.

Even if I try to, I am confined by my very useless terms and interpretations. To you, I am merely a minute part of your world and what I write is an object to you to enjoy whilst you have your morning cup of coffee. My 15,000 hours of work is but 15 seconds of your life.

What ever I say is already manifest, as is your interpretations of what I am writing. In one way, it’s all getting in the way, like a cloak over the truth – like the thin film over the very deep ocean water. Thus what I say is already confined and has disabled itself by the very rules of The Universe that it asks you to look beyond.

We can however find the answer and know it in ourselves, as we are children of that Divine Energy in a very literal sense. That is not a comforting platitude, but a scientific fact – ultimately we came from the creation itself, most likely via the Big Bang. If that Divine Energy set off the Universe, then there is a chance it shares a connection with us as it’s creation.

All these words and your thoughts about them in themselves, are a layer over that Divine Energy. Manifest occurrences which are born from the Divine Energy, but are not it and should not be confused with it.

So if you want to find it, how do you do it?

Well for me, there came a time where I gave up on reading all the experts on the subject. It had become mind spinning – ‘do this, don’t do that, be like that, who is the ‘you’ that cares, look through the I at the root of all thoughts, its inside and outside etc’.

I began to look within.

What is within you that can be labelled, or not, yet remains the same beyond all labels or lack of them? What is the same within you, to which all experiences come and go and remains the same, but is even beyond that definition? What is that is there and not there despite all your thoughts and feelings?

What is it that my descriptions and yours could never accurately point to? What was the same before you heard of it and after you heard of it?

What is the same within me and within you? Is it presence, awareness, consciousness, silence, space? Does it need a name, can be named, is it altered by the name? Does it belong to you, did you ask for it? Do you control it? Does it come and go? Can it disappear? Is it effected by consequences, desires, and wants? Does it change based on it’s content or is it the same no matter what?

If you think I am overcomplicating it, thinking too much, you are dead wrong. It took me a lot of thinking to get here, but it is utterly and brilliantly simple. The complexity in fact is going on in you because you are simply not used to “thinking” in this way. There’s a seemingly very deep tangle of everything manifest which obscures that which I speak of.

You can go away and contemplate what I am saying for 15 years, come back, and give me an answer, and the answer has remained the same from when you were born, after the 15 years contemplation, and after the answer. That is so because it is truly eternal within you. How can I possibly know if you know it, because my knowing would be of course confined to my manifest interpretations.

“Stunning genius”, one may say, or “utter claptrap”, one may utter, yet what is the constant existing in both people despite their answers?

I might say there is nothing to get, I might also say there is everything to get, and whatever it is remains untouched within you, higher than both statements. I can’t debate it with you, because whatever it is remains the same in both debaters as all their debates bubble up from it. I can’t really tell you it is or that, because it’s the same no matter what I say.

You can’t know what I am talking about, because you in fact already “know” it, you likely just haven’t noticed it due to it’s incredible subtleness. I can’t really teach you it, because it’s already there within you and that’s an absolute fact. As we look for it, try and name it, try and find it, we are just chasing our tails because it’s there already as all that movement occurs. It simply cant be grasped or pinpointed like anything in the manifest Universe can.


Divine Energy – So Why Does it ‘Matter’?

So all that said and done, what’s the point? Well, there is no greater peace than what the Divine Energy delivers. You see, at first you find it, and it’s bland, neutral. It’s there, in the background, you find it but so what you think?

That’s a stage when you think you’ve cracked it! That’s the answer you might think – not so – you’ve only found the eternal un-manifest – Divine Energy, which at that time seems more like a space, container, awareness, or presence.

Well Divine Energy has qualities you see, and should we be surprised? Let us take a look around or within ourselves. The complexity to create and sustain relative harmony is stunning.

One of those qualities is to deliver an enhanced level of peace.

Now I don’t know about you, but all I have done in my life has been for pleasure or well being at the time. It may be finding romantic love, helping others with problems, cracking a joke, cooking a meal for a loved one, sexual conquest, getting high or drunk, making money, being liked, seeming smart, a quest for knowledge. It’s all been to help me feel good or help others feel good.

All of these have one thing in common – they are all to do with the manifest Universe, whether for pleasure of myself, others, or pleasure from objects.

And all of them also have something else in common too, they are all absolutely secondary to what that Divine Energy can deliver.

So if there is a point, that is it. A process of moving from a way of living and being, one where one self and the world are seen as the highest reality in all they can bring us, to one where the truth is realised. It is that hidden Divine Energy which is the highest, and that it can bring true harmony in yourself, true satisfaction in yourself, true peace, and the same for others.

That comes in a set time for each of us I think, if it is going to come at all. And it certainly doesn’t come to all nor is it seemingly needed in all. You perhaps have to reach a level of futility with everything else, certainly have a little time on your hands and a spark of curiosity to begin to unlatch yourself from the manifest.

Of course, it’s doesn’t matter how you think of it, what you call it, (and also it can matter and still remains) what matters at the first instance is that you have ‘found’ the unfindable within you – not in my way but in yours. I have thought of it many ways, it’s quite un-important how you think of it, and it can shift often.

Belief is also another way and a short cut to objective identification – because belief by it’s very nature is not anchored in manifest reality, and neither is the Divine Energy. Mythology therefore can be a part of the journey, because again, the un-manifest is totally unaltered by the manifest.

What matters is only what the manifest layers point to – and that is always a higher, peaceful, benevolent and eternal power as billions of people will attest to in their experience of God.

Work on tuning into that eternal ever present which is always effortless there, and that Divine Energy will somehow overtake your “manifest, material self” resulting in significant changes to your neurochemistry, your experience of life, and a Divine Peace, just as all religions attest to.

Just like the Divine Energy that set off the Big Bang is hidden to us, what you are looking for is also hidden within you. Find it, tune into it, worship it, and you shall find the answer and divinity within yourself.


Divine Energy – Can We Say What It Wants?

I think objectively we can say what Divine Energy wants.

I don’t think it really cares if we eat pork for example, but if we think it cares, then paradoxically that will enhance our relationship with that Divine Energy because we are putting it above the Manifest Universe (ourselves, the world) in dedication. I also don’t think it cares how we get to it either, what path we take – man cares but it does not.

We can objectively see what it wants form looking at it’s creation – us and the Universe.

If it can be known and found then it wants to be known and found, that is for sure.

If I feel greater peace when connected to it, then connecting to it is what it wants as well.

It doesn’t want me to place the World over it, in other words, it doesn’t want me to care for the World more than it. I’ve done that many times and it’s ended in disaster. I guess that’s a little like going to a restaurant of a top chef, loving his food and then spitting in his face on the way out.

It doesn’t want me to rely on the World for my well being, or my identity, or what’s going on in my life. After all, it is not effected one bit by the World. It does however want me to exhibit a general care for the Universe, not to harm others, or cause conflict – you could roughly say that’s where karma comes about.

It’s a 50 – 50 relationship, but it is not in aping in anyway. It can always fulfil it’s duty, it doesn’t copy our ways, but waits for us to fulfil our side of the relationship. It shows us consequences of our actions, only out of love and reformation, never out of hate. Sometimes these are painful.

It doesn’t want me to play God, which is why our knowledge is limited. It has the answers not me. It doesn’t want me to worry about the World, or try and control it – it is in control.

It doesn’t want me to live for my own pleasure, however I do it, that’s where striving, desire, never being fulfilled come in.

It seems it wants us to be like it, because it has set rules in this Universe by which things operate. From these rules can we say what Divine Energy is like? It is freedom and chaos, with order, rules and consequences. It won’t force it’s way on us, we have to find it for ourselves, live as we think best, and then see what happens. Then when we find our answer, it’s genuine, sincere at the right time. We are utterly ready to submit to it, to worship it, because well, we’ve exhausted all other ways.

It has wondrous qualities of love – it is above hate, arrogance, anger, discrimination, ignorance, insincerity, greed, pride, evil and it loves them all, as we should, but it is none of them, nor should we be.

It wants to humble us, to see we are only part of the puzzle. To see all religions, all races, people of all social statuses are equal, which in an absolute sense we all are. Not to care whether people agree or not with our seemingly so important way. To forgive others, as it forgives us. To let people have their journey as we have ours.

It wants me to tell other people about it, so they can find it.

All these things make the Universe better, and by looking at the Universe, that is what the Divine Energy has always wanted.

Yet it seems that there is something in opposition to it, and that we shall discuss in the next post.

Divine Energy – And Finally – Work Over Knowledge

As we are dealing with energy here, the search for knowledge and finding your answer, however you describe it is only the very first stage. Then it’s a matter of living with that truth, and seeing the Divine Energy as it overtakes you. Prayer, meditation, and basically living in communion with it. You should try and mirror it’s rules. Of course wether you do this or not simply doesn’t matter to me, if it matters at all, it should only matter to you, and beyond that, it matters to something far greater than that.

The Purest Enlightenment

There is absolutely no difference between me, an atheist, and a religious fundamentalist.

All these differences are manifestations of the one source. A source that has billions of names, faces. A billion ways of describing itself.

Something that remains untouched by actions, morals, thoughts, feelings. Unmoved by all interpretations and labels, all discussions and divisions.

So deep in it’s love, that it’s totally and absolutely indifferent to it all.

It remains there to be discovered by those who need or choose.

The World is simply a layer over it all – enjoy it, but see it for that it is! An expression of divinity.